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Hello, and welcome to the Beveropolis birthing site revisited. Hannah is due 9/20/2008. At least she is according to her gyno. My calculations show 9/17. Everything looks good: clean amnio, clean CF screen, clean ultrasounds. Here we go again.

This just in......
We are proud to announce the birth of our bouncing baby Girl!
Her name is Jordin Hannah Steff. Here are the vital stats...
Birth Date: 9/15/2008 1:35:00 PM
Gender: Girl
Weight: 7 pounds, 1 ounces
Length: 19.75 inches
The labor was a bit hairy at times. The baby's heart rate kept dropping and the docs kept threatening a C. Hannah had to postion herself in all kinds of new and exciting positions to keep the stress off of the umbilical cord. But everything worked out. Baby is happy, healthy, and appears to be wise. Mommy is AOK as well.
Now we're back to square #1 at age 41. Life certainly keeps you on your toes.

Links to things...
Photo Album: Pictures of Jordin Hannah Steff