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I decided that writing software, while very lucrative, was just too damned annoying to spend the rest of my life doing. This, of course, begs the question "What the hell else will I do?"

Since I have already spent five years in college and really don't have another five years to devote to scholastic pursuits, I had to choose something that didn't require that kind of time, energy and money. It also had to be something that would be fun, or at the very least entertaining, with a low stress level. I had always wanted to do voices for cartoons (I hear enough voices, I may as well make some right?), and I have the ability to make some of goofiest sounds ever to come out of a primate, so why not look into that?

To that end I signed up for a continuing education class for voice over. I found it to be very entertaining. And if you're good at it and very persistent, doing voices can also be very lucrative. I decided that it was worth a try. If it worked out it would be well worth the investment, so I signed up for some more in-depth voice training.

Over the next few months I took some classes and practiced my "art". At the end of the program, I went into a recording studio and cut a real-for-real demo on real-for-real equipment with real-for-real producers and stuff.

Also, as part of the training program, they had a marketing seminar in which they told me to get my demo into the hands of as many people as possible (Uh, oh, don your peril sensitive sunglasses now).

So here it is, in all of its glory, my demo in MP3 format. Feel free to take a listen. Forward it to all of your friends (particularly your casting director friends). Make it your Windows start up sound. Post it on every web site you can find. Play it in your car at obnoxiously loud volumes. Broadcast it on the radio or TV. Put it on your answering machine.

The files are pretty good sized and may take some time to download. This is the price of glory. Anyway, here they are I hope you find them amusing. Personally, I think I sound goofy. But being paid to be goofy has to be better than being paid for slaving away for long hours in a little gray box with artifical light and air trying to do the impossible in an effort to cater to every squirrly whim of a delusional marketing analyst.

Commercial Demo (2.7 MB)

Narrative Demo (2.3 MB)

Verizon Wireless commercial spot airing on WHAM and WHTK in Rochester, NY (526 KB)