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First Birthday Celebration
Today marked Juliet's first birthday celebration. No, the birthday wasn't hers, it was actually mine, but she got most of the attention anyway. My parents came up from DE and picked up my brother on the way. We spent most of the day just hanging out. My family got to spend some qulity time with Juju. It was very cute. You can tell how taken they are with her. And it seems like she digs them too. They were very impressed with how she is coming along. They got to experience her third tooth first hand, or rather, first finger. *ouch*

We went to the Outback Steakhouse for an early dinner. We used this new hook-on seat thingy that attaches to the table. It worked out very well except that we think it will probably work out better on a round table than a booth. Juliet couldn't really see very well because her back was to all of the action, so she kept trying to turn around. It was also very difficult to get in and out with that thing hooked on. Anyway, it had been a while since we had taken her out to dinner. She is much more active than the last time. We had to clear a whole big space in front of her because anything in that DMZ instantly ended up in her mouth (watch that steak knife, yikes!), on the floor, or in her mouth on the way to the floor. She was cranky some of the time because she wanted a bottle and like idiots we didn't bring one. We had some solid food and some juice but no forumla (duh, isn't that rule #1?). D'OH! I fed her some of the solids (some sort of fruit I believe), gave her some of those cookie things I got by mistake last week, some juice, some potato soup, a dab of Caesar dressing, and french fry or two. She sat with us and ate a real meal, i.e. going from dish to dish with some beverage from time to time as opposed to solids then bottle. The cookie things alternated between food and toy. It worked out pretty well except that I had to pick up a good sized mess under the table before we left. She is totally getting the feeding herself thing though. She still can't be trusted with a spoon or a bowl but if you put things in front of her she will eat them. I guess that's not a stretch since she puts just about everything in her mouth anyway.

All of the waitresses and hostesses and even the owner were very taken with Finster. They all stopped to interact with her and say how cute she was (well, she is). The owner had her cracking up. She gave Juliet a loaf of their pumpernickel bread. We didn't give it to her until the next day but she really did like it. She will sit there with it in her hands and munch on it. She makes a mess but it is very cute.
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