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Catch The Wave or Catch A Cold
Today marked two firsts in Juliet's life. Her first wave and her first cold.

I a much-needed day off. When Hannah came home I was in the sun room with Juliet. Hannah walked into the kitchen and looked through the window at the baby and me. She waved to Juliet and we swear she waved back. It was so cute. She put her hand out and slowly opened and closed it in a sort of waving motion. We're not sure if it was her intent to wave but it sure as hell looked like it to us, so we put the sticker on her calendar.

Finster also appears to have caught my cold. She sniffles, coughs, and sneezes. Her demeaner is too too much different so she appears to be handling it well. We'll see if this holds if and when the cold gets worse.
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