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The Best, Even At Her Worst
Today was Our friend Jim & Heather's son's Blessing (faux Christening kinda like Juliet's). The cold that I gave to Juliet (some father I am eh?) has gotten worse. She was miserable all day yesterday and today. She was not happy unless someone was holding her. This made getting showers and getting dressed that much more challenging and time consuming. We were also hemming and hawing over whether we should take the baby. It finally came down to Heather and Jim would be disappointed if we didn't all come and Hannah wanted to show off the baby, so we loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly (well, Cheltenham anyway; am I abusing that reference?). We got there way late, but we received a warm reception. The baby was actually much more cooperative on the way down than I thought that she would have been. Juliet's condition, or her attitude anyway, seemed to improve dramatically when we got there. She was a bit cranky but for the most part she was smiliy and reacted well to the other guests. We were, however, very unprepared. It was our first real outing of the fall and we didn't have a sweater or anything for the baby. We brought a bottle but no solid food. Everything worked out well in the end though. We stayed longer than we should have though. Juliet was giving us bigger and bigger hints and we kept staying and staying. FInally she just started screaming bloody murder until we left. Once we got her into the car she calmed down a bit. Hannah put on this one Mariah Carey (ugh) song that Juju likes and after five or six repeats she fell asleep.

On a non-baby related note the trip home was very bizarre (full moon, go figure). We were on Cheltenham Avenue heading back toward 309 when I say this little dog running around in traffic. He was obviously in a panic and was dodging cars left and right. He finally was hit by one of them. That freaked me out. Happily Hannah didn't see it. Anyway, the owner ran out into the street to pick up his writhing pup and an SUV screeched to a halt just two feet or so before flattening him and the dog. That put a pawl over the rest of the ride and I started to get nauseous just thinking aobut it. As we were coming down Cowpath toward the homestead there was an ambulance parked in someones driveway with it's blinky ligths going. It was all very strange.
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