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Happy 2/3 Birthday
Today marks Juliet's 2/3 birthday. She was born eight months ago today. She's already pushing a year old. Its crazy how fast life is going all of a sudden. If you read this journal on even a modestly regular basis you know how she is progressing. We didn't take any measurements (bad parent's) and she doesn't have a doctor's appointment until next month so we will have to fudge the numbers with not-so-accurate measurements taken at home. I guess it's time for another photo shoot.

I am in the process of posting pictures. The common practice seems to be to make up pages based upon the calendar, i.e. on a monthly basis. I'm trying to get away from that. I'm trying to get away from a "these are pictures of our baby for this month" approach and move more toward a "these are the events in our lives" approach. The current architecture of my web site can handle this but it forces the user to remember what they have and have not seen. My new architecture will solve this problem by remembering what the user has already seen. It will also provide more ways to get at the resources, e.g. journal entries, photos, video clips, etc. But that is still in the works. I'm trying to build my new postings in such a way that they migrate to the new database relatively easily. Of course you don't care about all of this. You just want to see stuff. Anyway, that's why it's taking so long. There are actually three new albums available. I started in the calendar-based paradigm but changed my mind and started toward the event based model. Most of the images have no captions and so forth, but that are available here. The new ones are the "events of our lives" ones and the "Easter 2005" one.
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