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An Upstanding Child
Today was a landmark occaision. Juliet stood up by herself for the first time. I had stayed home from work to effect some emergency repairs on Hannah's Dad's truck before he and his wife drove it up to Chuck and Rachel's place (boy was that a mouthful or what?). After completing that and running down to Conshohocken to drop the Tahoe off and immediately turning around and coming home, Juliet napped a bit. When she got up we were doing floor time. I had been working on some low-grade standing exercises with her since her mastering rolling, crawling, and sitting, and apparently they paid off. Finster made her way over to her toybox to find something more interesting than the 5000 things already strewn across the floor. She sat in front of the toy "chest", reached up pulled herself into a standing position. I saw the beginnings of it, and knowing where it was going I grabbed the camcorder. Of course, by the time I got the thing, gurned it on, and it had warmed up, she had already slumped over because the toy chest is on wheels and it rolled away from her. It was very depressing. But, to my surprise, she re-enacted the event twice while the camera was all ready to go. I actually managed to get it on tape. Imagine that.
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