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Day 5, Joliet Juliet Breaks Out
4:00 AM comes awfully early. A scant four hours or so after going to bed we were up again. Well, Hannah was anyway. She awoke and called the nursery to check on our muffin. The nurse said that Julie was fussing and that if we hurried we could make the feeding. Hannah had to break it to the nurse that we lived 30-45 minutes away. Julie couldn't wait that long so we missed the feeding. This gave us a bit more time to relax. I took a quick shower and it was off to the hospital. The joint was jumpin'. Overnight four women had given birth. One was a C, and another was prepping for transport to Bryn Mawr's NICU. We had to wait a bit before they could set us up for Julie's feeding. When they did we were squeezed into this tiny little closet. The nurse apologized for it being so cramped. I said it was OK and called the space "cozy". The nurse laughed and said she liked my outlook. At this point we were just happy to be getting the hell out of there.

After Hannah fed Julie we had some time before the doctor and nurse got our paperwork in order. Hannah and I went across the street to Old Country Buffet for some breakfast. Unbenounced to us they did not serve breakfast during the week so we went to this little diner nearby instead.

Once we had fueled up we headed back to Maternity. Carole went over our release papers while Hannah topped off Juju. We dressed her in clothing for the outside (which she had never worn before), packed her up in her seat, and headed for the door. Of course, we were taking 100's of pictures and video while we did this. The tech wheeled Hannah to the door. We thought this ridiculous since Hannah had officially been discharged several days earlier, had walked in on her own feet, and had actually come and gone twice that morning without wheelchair intervention. Anyway, We loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly. OK, Hatfield, but we went home either way. It was 'bout fuckin' time.

We made our escape and headed home. I don't think I have ever driven so cautiously in my life. I was actually probably be more of a danger driving in such a paranoid fashion.

We arrived at the homestead to find that someone had been there before us. There was a balloon on the mailbox, a stork on the garage door, and a sign in the front yard. Once inside there was crepe-paper on the ceiling and more decorations. It was very moving to see how enthusiastic the people around Julie were about her arrival. Hannah called her sister and found out that it was she, Paige, and Ethan that had decorated. They were having brunch someplace nearby, waiting for us to call. When we did they finished up and came over. We got some cute pictures of the kids all together and hung out.

Once at home we were finally able to put all of that baby stuff we had been collecting and assembling to work. For the most part it was just nice to be our family in our homestead. Home at last.
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