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Week 1, Juliet Checks Out
Today was Julie's first trip to the doctor. This had been mandated by the substitute neonatologist (speaking of which, we never did meet the real neonatologist, hmmm). We were a bit apprehensive. We just wanted everything to be OK and to get this rocky beginning behind us. The pediatrician looked at the information provided by the neonatologist and started asking us questions that should have been answered by the report. Apparently the report contained no useful information whatsoever. Based upon our description of what happened and his obvervations the doctor concluded that she was AOK. He gave her the onceover said that Julie was thriving. Apparently one of their big concerns is body weight. They usually want to check a baby at two weeks in order to ensure that it is back up to it's birth weight. Julie was not only back up but had added five ounces! Not bad for a one-week-old. Given this she was given a clean bill of health and excused from coming in for the usual two-week check-up. Needless to say this thrilled us no end. We went home in a very celebratory mood.
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