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Month 1, Prodded Not Poked
This morning Hannah took Julie for her one month appointment with the pediatrician. All appears to be well. She is up to nine pounds six ounces, so she has gained a pound and a half already. We had been concerned about her eating habits. She eats constantly but never seems satisfied. She can get done feeding and ten minutes later be back for more. The doctor said that we should let her go when we know that she has eaten enough because this may develop into a pattern where he needs the breast to go to sleep. She needs to learn to do that on her own. He also said that, to address her sleeping pattern, we should put her into her car seat, then put the car seat into the crib. This will get her into sleeping in her room while letting her sleep in the comfort of a pseudo-recliner. It sounds pretty bizaar to me, but if we keep letting her sleep in her swing this will become a big problem not too far down the road.

She was supposed to get a shot today but she did not. The reasoning I was given was that she was still too young. I would have thought that they would have known this before the appointment. I am somewhat confused but they know what they're doing right?
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