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The Land Of Make Believe
Juliet showed another sign of major mental development today. I caught her pretending for the first time. This is something that is supposed to happen at about 18 months and again, she's 13 months old. Apprently she is about three months ahead of schedule on a number of things; not bad eh? Anyway, we have this duck puppet that the Becker clan gave us. When you open and close it's mouth is quacks out "Old McDonald Had A Farm". She really gets a kick out of it. Anyway, she had pulled it out of her toy bin and had it by the top of the head. She was bouncing it around and making pseudo-quacking noises. I was really taken aback. Juliet plays with her Little People barn and dollhouse, but she doesn't so much pretend as push the buttons to make the things make noise. This was actual pretending. She's such a doll. Anyway, she was also using her hands to force the mouth closed thus making it go "quack" as well.
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