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Back To The Scene Of The Crimes
Today we took baby Julie back to the hospital. We wanted to thank the nursing staff for their hard work and genuine concern for Julie's and our well being. We took them a thing of cookies from the bakery and a box of plastic silverware.

I know you're asking, "plastic silverware?" There actually is a story behind that. The maternity nurses are constantly at war with the cafeteria people over the posession of silverware so, much like Reagan in the 80's, we supplied our side with weapons of their own. I guess if we really wanted to be like Ronny we should have given some to the cafeteria people too, but that seemed counter productive. Of course, in hind-sight, giving Iraq weapons to protect themselves from the weapons we sold to Iran was rather counter productive too now wasn't it? However I digress...

Julie was a big hit at the nursery. She also seemed to be free of post-traumatic stress from all of the stabbings that occurred here. Nurse Sharon was actually able to get Julie to go to sleep when she was hungry and fussing. We managed to make it to Momom & Popop's house before she freaked out again. Grandmom, Grandad, and Uncle Tim stopped by to drop some stuff to us (that's a story of it's own) so they visited for a short time before heading out. We hung there for a while before heading back to the homestead.
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