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Bonding With Daddy
This evening brought yet another development in my relationship with my daughter. I have been feeding her her evening meal for a couple of weeks now. She generally will drink from the bottle for some time, then start to doze off. If I remove the bottle from her mouth she freaks and wants more. This usually goes on for an hour or two. When she's done I usually put her in her swing for a nap or just to hang out. Sometimes she needs to top off from Hannah's breast before she will calm down and be happy in the swing. This is usually indicated by her rooting but pushing the bottle away (she has an attitude). Tonight she was a bit different. She did her usual eat-and-doze thing. After a point she got to where she wasn't taking the bottle any more but she was not fussing. This is usually the cue to put her in her swing. However when I did she fussed again. I took her out and tried to give her more from the bottle. She wanted nothing to do with that, but she seemed happy in my arms so I let her lay there. After a time I tried to put her in her swing again. Once again she wanted nothing to do with that. I think she actually just wanted me to hold her, and hold her I did. She went from evening feeding at about 9:00 PM until about 1:30 AM snoozing in my arms. she looked so sweet laying there. It was a real bonding moment. In the past she would nap briefly in my arms, but she would eventually fuss and want mommy's nipple. This time it was all me. It was very heart-warming.
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