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And Then There Were Seven
My parents came up from DE for a visit today. They were amazed with Juliet's newly developed tricks. She realyl enjoyed them because all she had to do to get my mom & dad to break into applause was clap once or twice. She's such a ham.

Anyway, we went out to brunch/lunch/dinner at Red Lobster (Hannah is a sucked for Lobsterfest {FESTIVAL! FESTIVAL!}). Juliet was very well behaved. She sat quietly and munched on her bits and whatever bits we threw her way. She was very taken with the lobster tank. Maybe I should get some fish for my tank some day. Anyway all would have been great had the service been more timely. Delays in the delivery of food made the meal take much longer than it should have and we strayed into nap time (ruh roh Rorge). Even in that situation Juliet was very tolerant although at the end my dad & I ended up taking her out to the car while Hannah paid the check. After a nap she was good to go again. She hung with her Grandrents a bit more before they had to take off.

A couple of hours after my 'rents took off we discovered that Juliet has broken another tooth. This one is on the top, in line with the rest, on her right side. This may explain her unusual crankiness over the last week or so. This makes seven teeth in her head. She's growing up so fast.

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