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What a Hopefully Longer Strange Trip Its Been
Trip Home, Take II...

The car started right up. We headed home. Of course, yesterday was beautiful, sun-shiny and warm. Today is cold, miserable, and rainy. The trip home went without incident although visibility was nil and it was pouring the whole way. Julie slept almost all of the way home. I had to stop for gas at the Lehigh Valley service plaza. It was during this that she awakened. She wasn't particularly miserable; she was just checking out the scene. Hannah climbed over the seat to be with her. As we drew near our exit she started to fuss so Hannah did the cantalevered-breast thing. It quieted her for the rest of the ride.

I'm not sure if it was the long trip with extra sleep or what, but Julie really wasn't interested in sleeping tonight. I tried something that I had learned from veteran 'rents Chuck and Rachel, I swaddled her TIGHTLY and did some bobbin' until she relaxed (which was a while). I finally was able to put her down in her crib/seat combo. This marked the first night that she slept entirely in her own room.
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