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No Pattern Here
OK, so this is not getting easier. Maybe it was us and not her, but I gave Julie my feeding 5:00ish. She was done eating at about 6:00. Usually this is complete at about 8:00. This upset the schedule. I tried to put her down, but as I knew would happen she wanted nothing to do with that (it was still light out; I can't wait until June 21st). She seemed happy in her swing so she camped out there for a while. That didn't last long. I picked her up and she seemed a bit happier. After a time I put her in her seat. Stargate came on; it's her favorite (Thank God it's not the Wiggles {just shoot me now}). She was glued to it for a bit but then she wanted to be fed some more. I obliged her. At this point it was about bed time so I did the swaddle & bob thing. I put her down in her room. That lasted about three minutes. Hannah whipped out the big guns. Even the nipple didn't calm her down. Hannah and I ate in shifts while attending the queen. Eventually she went down. I don't remember the time, late. So much for that pattern emerging thing.
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