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Three Strikes! You're In!
A momentous occaision! Juliet slept through the night again! This is definitely a pattern. I don't know if it will last but it is definitely looking good.

Today we got an early start and headed to DE to meet up with my 'rents. The ride was rather uneventful however the baby definitaly prefers highways to surface streets. As soon as we turned onto route 13 she started to fuss. She didn't freak but she definitely was trying to get a message across. We got to our destination and were able to stretch out and relax. Julie was showered with adoration. While this happens everywhere we take her it never seems to grow old. She was bubbly, cooey, and very smiley. She loves her Grandparents. We didn't do anything particularly special, just hung out, ate dinner, etc., but it was a pleasant day.

On the trip home there was an interesting occurrence. There was some sort of illegal motorcycle race going on. About a dozen or so death-bikes were tearing up the Blue Route. We're talking 100+ MPH, weaving in and out of traffic, screaming up the highway in the space between lanes of trafic, etc. It was crazy. I was hoping to see one of them go flying through the air into the next county; no luck. But at least we weren't involved in any accidents.

Julie was kinda fussy when we got home. Traveling seems to do that to her. Maybe we should try to stay home once in a while. While the feeding was trying she did go down early, and Hannah was able to bob her to sleep (that's another first). This gave us some down time before going to bed at a somewhat reasonable hour, imagine that.
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