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First Awake Bed Time
Juliet slept until about 3:00 AM. Again, this isn't through the night but it is about six hours after she was put down so I guess that's par for the course.

The day was rather uneventful. I arrived home 4:00ish. Hannah had just fed the babe so we had some relaxy time until about 5:00ish. Julie awoke cranky, which is how babies usually wake up (at least in my extensive experience ;)). Since she had been fed not too long before we tried to entertain her using a variety of media other than food. About 5:30 it became apparent that feeding would have to commence.

Hannah warmed the bottle while I bobbed. Julie remained mostly calm until the bottle was ready at 5:45 or so.

I fed her until about 7:15 PM while Hannah napped. Julie was on and off cranky during the feeding, and after an hour and a half or so she fell asleep in my arms. I put her in her swing. I had about ten minutes to grab a quick snack before she awoke once again. I fed her the remnants of the bottle and she was still cranky. Hannah had awakened so she prepared me a refill. Julie got about half-way through that and wanted nothing more to do with the bottle. Once again, in an effort to calm her without Hannah's intervention, I changed and bobbed her some more. She appeared to be very tired (she kept dozing) but she did not want to go to sleep. She didn't want bobbin', she didn't want Baby Mozart, she didn't want her swing; time to whip (or rather for Hannah to whip) out the big guns.

Hannah stuck her on but Julie was doing her infamous latch-and-yank thing (ouch). We were at a loss. I gave her some gas drops and some more bobbin'. That seemed to work. With baby in swing Hannah went off to take a shower. She wasn't gone more than ten seconds before the princess started screaming again. She was rooting a bit but I wasn't convinced she was hungry. After all, she had eaten about five ounces from me, and X from Hannah. This should have been enough, but she is quite the hog sometimes.

I picked her up and bobbed her for about 45 minutes. For the last ten or fifteen she was out cold. Could this mean beddy-by time? I took my bobbin' operation into the nursery. She seemed happy so I decided to go for it. Of course her room was not set up for beddy-by-time so I had to do that while bobbin' her. That kinda woke her up a bit but she snoozed again after a few more minutes of bobbin'. I put her down but didn't have her blanky. While I was running (literally) to the sunroom for it she awoke and was not happy to be there. Bleagh.

At this point Hannah was out of the shower and making dinner. We figured that in her well-fed-gas-dropped-changed-and-droopy-eyed state she would go down rather easily after a live-nippled topping off. AINNNNNT! Wrong answer! Thank you for playing. After the feeding Hannah bobbed her for a while and she calmed. She attempted to place her in her crib. It worked, for about 30 seconds. We decided to leave her there while we pounded dinner. Amazingly though, after dinner she had calmed herself. This lasted about ten minutes and she started up again. Surmizing that she may be cold or uncomfy from her previous convulsing I went into her room, repositioned and reswaddled her and she calmed right down. I went back out and by the time I got to the sunroom Julie was asleep. Can I get a "Halleluiah"? This marks the first time that we put her down awake and it ended with sleep; progress made.

At some point during this whole process I managed to find time to call Dan and ask him to be Juliet's God Father. He seemed blown away and said he would be honored. Rachel has known for some time that she was going to be God Mother. Is it weird to not have a couple as God Parents? I haven't seen my God Parents in about 25 years, although they did send me $20 for my wedding, nice.
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