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Better Living Through Belching
Baby awoke at 3:00 AM. This six-hours-per-night thing seems to be a regular theme although last night was a bit short of that. I guess we should decide when we want that six hour break and try to arrange her schedule accordingly. At this point we seem to be picking an early down-time. The 3:00AM feeding seems to be rather simple but for the fact that baby does not like to go back to sleep in her crib once removed from it. Hopefully we can work on that although I'm not sure how.

I had to pick up my car after work. It was not ready when I went to get it even though I had scheduled the earliest appointment they had (7:30 AM, it took them roughly 11:00 hours to change the oil and inspect it). I would have known that it wasn't ready had the bitch returned my phone calls. Not that that would have helped, but, long story short, I didn't get home until after 7:00.

I took the 8:00 feeding. As usual it went fine early but she started to fuss more and more as we got into the home stretch. She seems to have gotten into a pattern of requiring topping off from Hannah after I'm done regardless of how much she has gotten from me. She was dozing so I let her. She woke up grouchy and I gave her her bottle. This worked for a little while but eventually she was pushing it away again. This usually indicates a gas problem, usually a belching will fix it, but it didn't.

Hannah took her for a topping off. Hannah started with a belching which yielded a nice, deep gutteral rumble. I think that my belching technique could use some work. I checked out Hannah's style for future reference. After the feeding we put her down. She was not happy about that, but given our success on the previous night we let her go while we ate dinner. After we finished Julie was still not happy. Hannah went back to top her off yet again. This time it calmed her, but by the time Hannah returned to the sun room I was out cold on the couch. Mission accomplished I guess.
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