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Early To Bed, Early To Rise, Early To Rise Again
At about 1:30 AM I awoke on the couch. Hannah was next to me and the baby was in Nappy Land in her room. I thought I should get Hannah up and we should go to bed. For some reason I had the feeling that the baby would be up soon. I had flipped through two channels, settling on Nature on PBS when the stirring started. I waited until it got a bit more intense then roused Hannah. While she was doing the mid night feeding (not to be confused with the midnight feeding) I watched Polar Bears. Some British dude was in his North Face parka, freezing his ass off, telling me that the bears can actually get too hot on days like that and they roll around on their backs to disipate heat from their tummies. If you're intersted in seeing polar bears go here. They have a pretty nice set up. Anyway, on with the story...

Hannah returned and we headed off to bed. Juju was still not a happy camper. We surmisd that she may not have had enough so Hannah went in to top her off (for the sixth time that night). After a short spell she returned and we were finally allowed to go to sleep.

This day marks week eight of our illustrious foray into parenthood. I must say that this eBaby software is not all it is cracked up to be. I think I need a service pack. Anyway my one-word summation of the experience would be "stressful". Julie is not particularly interactive, as new-born eating and pooping machines typically aren't, although she is becoming more and more responsive every day. Hannah sees it more than I. Most of the time that I spend with her is in a wrestling match over bottle feedings and baths and bed time. When I come home Hannah is always talking about how smiley and cooey and cute she was all day. Juliet is most adorable, and I love her dearly, I just wish I got to see that side of her more often. It's hard to take everyone's advice, "treasure every moment", when most moments are filled with anxiety. Hopefully in the next few weeks we can establish more of a pattern/schedule and these things will become easier. As it stands I have no time to do anything (par for the course as I understand it). I haven't posted pictures since 2/22. The only reason I am able to keep up with the journal is that my current work gig is having a very difficult time keeping me busy. I have this whole ambitious plan to move into the 21st century but at this rate there is no way I will ever pull it off. Basically my life consists of waking up, going to work, coming home from work, feeding the baby, getting her to sleep, then going to sleep myself. I thought there would be more. I feel guilty for feeling this way. Is this how I'm supposed to feel?

I guess I am just feeling the pressure of recent baby difficulties. Whn I got home today Julie was in a much more jovial mood. I actually got to see some of that cooing and smiling. The feeding was rather rough though. According to Hannah, Julie hadn't slept much that day. She didn't take to the bottle right away, and she took a number of breaks. Shespent soe time just hanging out in my arms. That was nice. She also took a brief (andI do mean brief) nap in the swing. My portion of the feeding took a couple of hours, at which point she just totally lost interest in the bottle. When Hannah took her for the topping off she was particularly interested in that either. Long story short (as these are getting to sound more and more alike) after a number of iterations of feedings, bobbings, changings and burpings she finally went down at about 10:45. Of course, by this time I was wiped and out cold. I got up and after a round of Win Ben Stein's Money I went to bed. Hannah had been napping during my portion of the feeding so she stayed up for a bit.
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