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More Taxing Than Tax Day or Who Shot JR?
Hannah finally came to bed around 2:30 AM. Baby stirred a few times during the night but didn't awake for a feeding until 4:15. After a quick (15 minute) feeding (I wish my feedings went as qickly) Julie was back in crib and Hannah was back in bed.

Today was shot day. Yes that illustrious time when the innocent gets shot four times by some medical person. Needless to say, she didn't like that. Hannah could not bear to watch, but definitely heard the progressively intense screams of agony as each of the four injections was applied. In other news our babe has grown to 23 1/4 inches and tips the scales at 11 Lbs. 8 oz. Her head meaures 15 1/4 inches. All is well except for the needle tracks in her legs (poor thing).

The shooting made Finster (our new found nickname) a bit lethargic. She was very nappy and not so hungry for the rest of the day.

Hannah had to run out and help out Tammi. She left pretty much as I walked in the door from work. And pretty much as she walked out Julie awoke and cranked a bit. After a few minutes of bobbin' she was nappy again. Two hours later Hannah returned from her 1/2 hour errand. Julie had napped pretty much the whole time. It was about 6:00 so I prepped and fed her. She was less than enthusiastic about it though. She wasn't fussing, just not really interested in eating. She dozed in my arms and after a time I put her down in her swing. Hannah and I enjoyed our Ceasar Chicken fiesta. Finster awoke around 8:00. Hannah gave her her evening feeding and she fell asleep in Hannah's arms. Of course Hannah had fallen asleep as well, so they both slept there for an hour or two. After that Hannah put Julie down in her crib and we enjoyed sleeping next to each other on the couch. God we're so pathetic.
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