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Busy Busy
Hannah let me sleep in a bit today (wasn't that nice?). However she had to leave for Heather's baby shower at 11:30 AM or so. When she had left Julie awoke (as usual). I took the opportunity to give her a bath in preparation for going to Brandi's first communion party.

The bath went well; baby cooed and smiled through the whole thing. She likes her baths. However she exploded when I took her out of the nice warm water and into the cold air. I quickly wrapped her in her hooded-towel thingy but it was too late. The sitation worsened when I applied her lotion. I guess it made her colder still and she didn't like that one bit. The next several hours were a wrestling match. It was time for her mid day feeding.

When I gave her the bottle she gave me a look that seemed to say "Hey, I don't have to deal with this until 6:00 tonight. Where the hell is my nipple?" This led to an seemingless endless volly of bobbin', feedin', floor time, tummy time, more bobbin', more feedin', ugh. Baby Mozart wouldn't even calm her down. Hannah was gone for about four hours. During this time she slept for maybe a total of 45 minutes. And it wasn't even solid sleep really. It was more or less rest breaks bewteen busting my balls. I guess it was a side effect of the shots the day before. She had slept most of the day and now she was reain' and ready to go. Add to that the fact that my presence and Hannah's abscence toally screwed up her schedule and you get one wiped out daddy by the time Hannah returned home. I had managed to get that whole bottle into her even if it did take about four hours. However she did not get her mid day nap which would prove to be a problem later on.

Hannah arrived home and appeased Julie with the nipple. Julie still hadn't really gotten as much to eat as she should have though. She did relax for a bit before we had to run out to Tammi & Steve's house.

We arrived at the party at about 7:15. I hung in the garage and decompressed with the other fathers while Hannah took the baby in for her adoration period.

Julie still wasn't in a particularly good mood. The place as rockin' with 50 kids and 100s of Capelli & Becker relatives running around. I had come in and managed to get Julie to quiet down. I was able to put her down once we moved her stup into a more quiet place. She didn't stay that way for long, but family gatherings like this are nice because there are 100 mothers there and they all want to take their turn at quieting the baby. Hannah apologized for Julie being so cranky and the other mothers scoffed and said that Julie was not being cranky. Cranky is the impossibility of quieting the baby. Whil she is difficult at times it is usually possible to quiet her. It is just a matter of figuring out which method will calm her at a given time.

We left the party at around 10:30 or 11:00. It was, of course, a couple of hours after Julie's bed time. When we got home she went down pretty easily. We, of course, fell asleep on the couch. This seems to be a recurring theme.
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