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Happy Easter ][
It is Juliet's second Easter. Traditionally we have been going up to Rochester for Easter, but as the result of the Great Christmas Controversy of 2005 we were planning to head to my 'rents' place (see yesterday's entry) for the weekend. Due to circumstances beyond our control we were unable to pull that off so instead we just went for the day today.

We ran late, as usual. We picked up Tim in Consh around 11:40 and headed to Delaware. We arrived 1:15ish, as I recall.

Baby Face was a bit confused by the dogs, and they confused by her. The last time they saw her she wasn't walking. Now she's all over the place (specifically into their water dish; it's her way). Anyway it was cute to watch them interact. Juliet gave them quite a bit of space (they are pretty big), at first, but by the end of the day she was smacking them around with whatever toy she was carrying at the time.

My mother had made a stuffed bunny for Juju. It's pretty good sized (almost as big as Juliet) with big floppy ears. It's arms are out-stretched in a hugging position. Juliet loved it. She laid on the floor and gave it big hugs. You could tell that my mother was very touched by that. She put a lot of time and energy to making it. It's nice to see that pay off. It would have been a real shame if Juliet just blew it off. The bunny has been dubbed Huggy Bunny. Finster runs around the house dragging it around with her.

We hung out for time talking, snacking, watching Juju trash the place. She even got to see a train run through my parent's yard (sort of). She seemed a bit perplexed by that as well, but she didn't freak out. She usually handles new things pretty well. She's more curious than scared.

Since Juliet hadn't slept at all on the way down she was ready for a nap by 2:30 or 3:00. We put her down in the Pack & Play in my parents' bedroom. While she slept we snacked, caught up, and watched Life Of Brian (it's a Easter movie after all {well, more of a Good Friday movie}), and started dinner.

Juliet woke up an hour or two later. She freaked. I guess she forgot where she was, but she wailed and it took both Hannah and me (and some time) to calm her down. Once we got her all squared away we started the Easter egg hunt.

Juliet didn't quite get the concept of egg hunting; Lewis did. He kept scooping up Easter eggs in his mouth and running around the house with them. Interestingly he didn't crush any of them, although dog slobber seems to be a good dye solvent. Juliet, on the other hand, crushed several. She threw them on the ground. She banged them together. She banged them on the table top. She has no respect. Hopefully next year she will exercise a bit more control. It was cute to watch anyway. She's so funny.

We ate dinner and dilly-dallied a bit longer. We took off for home around 6:30. For future reference this is too late. By the time we got to Conshohocken Finster had had enough. While her bed time has definitely moved back since the whole Daylight Savings Time thing, 9:00 is pushing it after a long day like that.

A good time was had by all, although it was nice to relax at home.
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