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Bottle Forsaken
Given our decision of yesterday we decided that Hannah would be the exclusive feeder today. It just isn't worth the hassle, energy, and wasted milk to try to give her a bottle when we know that she won't take it.

Hannah had been at ther parents' house. Her sister was in town visiting. Upon her arival home, before Julie's feeding, Hannah wanted to get a shower. That didn't pan out. Julie exploded before that could happen. Once fed and calm she went off to cleane while I watched bambino.

She was enjoying floor time. This lasted for a short time then she started to fuss. I put on her Baby Mozart. She was diggin' that for about fifteen or twenty minutes. Then she started to freak again. I picked her up. That had the exact opposite effect that I was after. Hannah, who had emerged from the shower, came to my rescue. She took the babe back with her while she dried her hair.

Some time later Hannah returned the baby to me. I don't remember the specifics as to why, but I was to watch her while Hannah finished her hair. I was instructed that if the baby cries just let her go for a while. She has to learn that we won't be jumping every time she whimpers. OK.

Julie and I were watching her favorite show, Stargate SG-1. She was content for a time but started to fuss, then cry, then wail. As instructed, I let her go for a bit. I guess my concept of the arbitrary figure "a while" differs from Hannah's concept of the same unit of measure.

She came out and gave me that sarcastic "how long are ya gonna let her cry?"

Lovely, now I'm being bitched at for following subjective instructions incorrectly. Fine, I picked her up and started with the bobbin'. That didn't seem to work. I checked and changed her. Nope. I gave her gas drops. Nope. More bobbin'. Nope.

It was an unusually hot, 82 degrees, day for April; Julie and I were both shirtless. This didn't really work with the whole bobbin' thing since our skin would tend to stick together when I tried to move her around. I thought that this may be a problem in and of itself so I took her into her room and put her in a onesy. This gave our skin a much-needed layer of insulation. I continued to bob to no avail. The recent warm weather trend have given rise to not using receiving blankets. I decided it was time to go old-school. I swaddled her TIGHTLY. I bobbed and shushed her for a time. She finally dozed. I stopped the shushing as it was making me light-headed but continued to bob. It worked; baby was down and out. I put her in her swing.

Hannah came out from her hair thing. She needed to run to the drug store. She did. Baby Slept. She came home an hour later. Baby slept. We ate. Baby slept. It was amazing. I thought for sure she would be up, at the very least in a couple of hours, for a feeding, but as of 1:00 AM she was still sleeping. At this point I went to bed. Hannah stayed in the sunroom with her.

It seems that regardless of weather conditions some things need to remain the same. I don't know how to adapt the swaddling approach to summer. Soon it will be 90 degrees out; blankies seem incompatible with this. Hopefully she won't be as dependent upon this approach a couple of months from now. Either that or we're going to be spending a ton of money on air conditioning.
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