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Genius Recognized
We headed home this morning. Hannah had fed her as much as was physically possible in an effort to promote sleep. It worked out about as well as it has in the past.

When we got to Binghamton (almost 1/2 way home) Julie awoke. It's weird, as I type that my mind conjures images of Godzilla awakening. It's not quite that bad but it sure sounds like it to read my diatribes. However I digress... OK, so baby awoke. It was about her feeding time and rather than do the cantalevered-breast-in-the-back-seat thing as we have in the past we decided to stop. We pulled into Denny's and grabbed a booth. We ordered and ate. Hannah tried intermittently to feed Finster. She ate a bit but didn't seem particularly interested. We thought that the restaurant may have been too much stimulation. She was very well behaved though; no screaming. That's always a bonus in public.

I watched Julie while Hannah went to the loo. While she was gone the old woman sitting behind us asked me how old Juliet was. I told her nine weeks. She was shocked to hear that. The waitress was also there at the time and she was floored. She went on about how alert and concious she was for a nine-week-old. I beamed with pride. Yep, she's a genius.

We paid the tab (they weren't impressed enough to give us free food) and headed out. Hannah felt that Julie needed more so we sat in the auto and Hannah topped her off. When done we strapped her in and off we went. The stop lasted about an hour and fifteen minutes.

We got home around 3:00. Julie was wiped. I guess sleep in cars isn't any more restful for babies than it is for adults. She slept pretty much the rest of the afternoon.

The time for that dreaded bottle feeding had come. I got myself all prepared for the fight but was relieved to find that she just took the bottle and that was it. I tried to belch her once or twice but she wanted nothing to do with that so she ended up drinking the full four ounces right down. I stopped to belch her again (at this point it was necessary). Hannah swapped out my empty and I continued. Julie drank about five ounces total. Then came that transition period from food to bed, ugh.

Hannah had picked up a strategem while with Chuck and Rachel. She suggested I lay on the floor next to Juliet and read one of her baby picture books, so I did. She didn't seem to have much interest in the book but the ceiling fan certainly held her attention. Hannah was so touched by the scene that she secretly filmed me with Juliet. That should make for some interesting TV. After a little while of that she had had enough. A bit of bobbin' and she was out.
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