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Back On The Bottle
We tried something a bit different tonight. I gave her her bottle as soon as I got home. We figured that maybe it would be different if I were to feed her before the witching hour; make a preemptive strike so to speak.

It was just before 5:00. I took Finster (she was fussing). I got myself all set up and started the feeding. All was well. She was taking the bottle; no real hassle. She got done. Now for that transition from feeding to not feeding. She had been dozing throughout the feeding so I figured she may be ready for a nap. I put her in the swing. AINNNNT! Wrong answer. OK, so she's awake. I laid her down on the floor and got down for some readings. She didn't seem particularly interested, but she wasn't screaming either so I continued. I got about 1/2 way through the fifth book when and she completely lost interest. I set her up in front of Baby Mozart. This got her attention for a while but that ran out rather quickly too. It seems like whatever we come up with to entertain her only works once or twice. I guess it's like an antibiotic; after your 15th treatment the Clap just doesn't go away like it used to.

Hannah was showering. It was still an hour or so before her last feeding. I bobbed her pretty much the whole time. She dozed in and out, and finally napped a bit, but you could tell she was hungry. She was rooting in her sleep. It's kinda cute actually.

Hannah gave her the final feeding and put her down in her swing. We ate our mushroom chicken fiesta. Juliet was still out so Hannah took her to her crib. We fell asleep on the couch (again, see a pattern here?).
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