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Weight's Up Doc!
Today Juliet went to visit the doctor again. She measures 23-3/4 inches long/high and weighs in at twelve & pounds eight ounces. She is in the 50-75th percentile for babies her age. The doctor says that we should start giving her cereal in two weeks. Our baby is growing like a weed. Wow, pseudo-solid food already. Imagine that. Anyway, during her visit she received another shot. She does not like those and was cranky for the rest of the day.

After the ordeal Hannah was taking baby to Mommom's house for a visit while Hannah went walking with Terri. This was not to be. Apparently some turnpike construction worker was behaving much more like a destruction worker and knocked over a utility pole. This dropped a set wires across all four lanes of the turnpike, which subsequently was closed from 7:00ish AM until 1:00ish PM. The result was that the Turnpike, Blue Route, the Northeast Extension and all of the supporting routes in the area were a nightmare. Some people were stuck as long as five hours. Anyway Hannah was stuck in the middle of it with Baby in tow.

Baby loves cars as long as they are moving. Obviously in a traffic jam they are not. The crying ensued. Eventually it got to the point where a feeding was supposed to take place. Hannah was still trying to make her way to Mommom's house which is in the vicinity of the unfortunate event. She finally did make it, but the odds of her being able to get to her ultimate destination did not look good so she bagged it. This really upset Hannah and seemed to irk Terri as well. Of course Terri wasn't the one sitting in one of a sea of motionless automobiles with a screaming three-month-old in the back seat.

All of the shots, excitement and schedule rearranging really screwed up Juju's attitude. When Hannah got home the babe would not go down. She ate, and ate, and got to the point of that nipple ripping behavior. Still she would not go down. I finally arrived home circa 4:30 PM. Hannah was at wits end. She headed toward the back of the house as I took on the little screamer. With a proper swaddling and about fifteen minutes of bobbin' she finally quieted down and napped. I went back to check on mommy who was napping in front of (ugh) Lifetime TV in our bedroom. I decided she should have the rest of the evening off. I took care of Juliet's feedings, changings, swaddlings, bobbings, entertainment, etc. and got her to bed at 9:06 PM. Hannah came stumbling out of the bedroom some time later. She had had no idea how long she was snoozing and apologized for her absence. She had planned this whole dinner thing, but seeing as it was 10:00 we just munched convenience food from the fridge and called it a night.
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