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Happy 1/4th Birthday!
Today marks Juliet's 1/4th birthday! It's hard to believe that she is three months old already. She has really come a long way. She has gone from a screaming, eating, pooping machine to an adorable, interactive, cooing, smiling, giggling little person. She has a personality and definitely has her likes and dislikes.

Finster was asleep when I got home. This gave me some time to unwind from the salt mines while Hannah made us an early dinner. Juju awoke around 5:30 or so I guess. In anticipation of this we had already begun the preparation of her bottle. Hannah attended to the little princess while I polished off my food and got her bottle ready.

The feeding went smoothly, which it always does with the new bottle. During the feeding session Juliet's ass exploded. It seems to do that during feedings. I guess the intake forces output. At any rate I changed her and we settled in for a book or two. She tired of that when we got to "I Love My Puppy" or something like that. I think that she recognized the author's shameless recycling of his previous work "I Love My Bunny" which we had read a few minutes prior. Anyway, the rest of the night's activites included a bath and a walk around the neighborhood with mommy. She went down without incident around 9:00.
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