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Crank It Up!
Today marks the one year anniversary of Juliet's conception. Shhh, don't tell anyone that it was one month and a day before the wedding, oops.

Apparently keeping Finster on the move is not good for her attitude. Hannah had her out and about (Momom & Popop's place) as she ran errands. This, of course, screwed up her schedule again.

When I got home Julie was snoozing. This, again, allowed Hannah to do some stuff and allowed me to unwind from a ridiculous day at work. Finster awoke at about the usual time (6:00ish). I fed her (a nonevent these days) and changed her. Her ass had exploded again. How does someone so small store up so much crap? Anyway, after that I set her up for some floor time.

She wasn't down with that. I tried some reading and various other things all of which met with much disdain. Hannah decided that she looked bored with life and decided to take her for a walk.

While Hannah was preparing for this Finster started screaming. It wasn't a cry; it was a scream. She really seemed to be attempting to talk very very loudly. It was very bizarre. Thinking that the walk would help Hannah set out on the dusty trail. That lasted about five minutes. Hannah returned. Juliet was just mad, mad, mad; about what we would only guess. Hannah placated her with the nipple. Julie had eaten a full five ounces from me but was definitely sucking. She had been belching all night and had pinched a few prime loafs so we figured that maybe all of those excretions created some extra space in her gullet. With that filled we looked for happiness. It wasn't found. It was about 8:00. This is usually still too early for bed but we were at wit's end. I bobbed her for a few minutes and she went right down. *whew*

An hour or two after going to bed Julie awoke again. She cried and cried. We took a chapter from the Dr. Ferber book on baby sleeping and decided to let her go for 20 minutes before intervening. After 17 minutes she had put herself back to sleep. Yippee!

Juliet didn't awaken again until 4:30 AM. That makes about 8-1/2 hours that she slept between feedings. I would say that that totally qualifies as sleeping through the night, although since it started at 8:00 PM we were still aroused during the wee hours. Oh well.
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