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What A Long Strange Nap It's Been
Julie slept, like, all the way through the night tonight. Well, sort of anyway. I started Julie's feeding at about 7:00 (she was napping while we snuck in dinner heh heh heh). She initially took the bottle well but lost interest after about an ounce and a half (target amount is about four and a half ounces or more). She wasn't really fussing; just not eating.

We played around a bit (deep knee bends, "so big", that kind of thing) after which I got her to take another half ounce or so before she lost interest (but still not fussing).

I put her on the floor and we read a few books. She liked that, for a time. When she was good and aggravated from that I got her to take another half ounce or so.

She seemed to be dozing so I figured maybe she was ready for Nappy Land (it was almost 8:00 by this time). To this end I swaddled and bobbed her. She relaxed but was not going to sleep. After half an hour of this I got her to take another half ounce. At this point she was starting crank it up; the witching hour was in full swing.

I basicaly alternated between bobbin' and feedin' until she zonked at 8:45. She had gotten her full four and a half ounces (two and a half hours later, ugh). I put her to bed without incident.

She got herself bunched up in the blanky and had to be retucked two or three times before we went to bed at 11:30. At that time she was all tangled up. I had to totally reswaddle her. This, of course, incurred the wrath of child, but it was nothing that fifteen minutes of bobbin' couldn't cure. Julie didn't awaken again until about 5:00 AM.
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