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Opening Day
As per tradition, today was pool opening day. I generally open Lake Beverolis the weekend before Memorial Day. I did part with tradition in one respect though. It is a requirement to drink Daquiris while the pool opening is in progress. I had no rum and no mix and no time so I didn't have them this year. I feel ashamed. Anyway Mommom and Poppop came up; Mommom to watch Finster and Poppop to help me with the opening. The opening came off without a hitch. Well, except for the fact that there was no water in the pool. That was nothing that 16 hours of a hose running full-bore couldn't fix.

Anyway, after the grand event and the noshing that followed the in-laws left and it was time for Finster. Her feeding went relatively well but we were into the witching hour, ugh. I as off the hook for my usual feeding since Mommom fed her while we were doing other things. But I was on the hook for bobbin' before bed. In recent days her bed time seems to have moved up an hour. And she has been very cranky up until that time. Hannah consulted the Oracle who said that Juliet is going through a growth spurt. Apparently these happen every three months or so and last for about a week. I will keep you posted on that.
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