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Elmo To Cookie
This was another milestone day. Juliet graduated from Newborn (Elmo) to Baby (Cookie) diapers. We figured it was about time since she has been shitting herself out of outfits for a week or two now. Congraultations Juliet! Your poop will be contained once more.

Julie and I seem to be getting into somewhat of a groove when it comes to the evening feeding and bed time. I started feeding her at about 6:00. She showed minimal interest in the bottle so we did miscellaneous baby activites in between minifeedings. At one point I was belching her, she was quiet, and all of a sudden she let out a blood-curdling scream. It was as if she were in pain, but I had no idea what her problem was. She even had tears in her eyes (which is unusual when she's crying unless it's really bad). I swaddled and bobbed her and she did eventually calm down, but I still have no idea what happened.

After her next minifeeding she zonked. I was very surprised at this, but Hannah had her running around all day so it kinda made sense. I took advantage and put her to bed.

I guess Julie had a "not so fast Bucko" attitude about this because about twenty minutes later she was screaming. Oh well, so much for early to bed. I picked her up, bobbed her a bit for calming, gave her some more of her bottle, and she zonked again. I swaddled her very tightly and put her back to bed. This time was for real. She was down and out at about 8:30. This is about her usual time, maybe a little bit early. All in all it was a pretty easy time.

I may have mentioned this in the previous entry (or entries) but Julie is definitely getting easier to deal with. We seem to be in a much better groove than we have been. We also have more fun than we have had in the past. She becomes more and more responsive and "person-like" every day. We have quasi-conversations where I talk at her and she makes weird noises and faces back at me. I'm starting to reap some of the rewards of my efforts. I also seem to be the preferred put-to-bedder, which works out well for Hannah when it's the middle of the night, Julie is screaming and it's not feeding time. I guess, much as I had to learn to deal with feeding time without resorting to Hannah, Hannah is going to have to learn to deal with bed time without resorting to me.
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