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On The Road, Yet Again
We headed home today. Another five hours in a car; my favorite. While Julie usually gripes toward the end of a journey, she was cranky at the beginning this time. We had an extra passenger, Mom-mom, who sat in the front thereby displacing Hannah to the rear. Julie usually sits by herself so this may have been an issue. Anyway we pulled over and Hannah fed her. When we got back on the road baby was happy. She slept most of the rest of the way home. As usual she awoke when we got off of the turnpike, but unlike her usual demeaner in such situations she was happy, almost bubbly. That was quite a relief.

Baby and I napped while Hannah took her mother home. Around 4:30 I gave Juliet her third cereal feeding. It went very well. She was in a good mood and ate her whole batch of cereal. Hannah returned in the middle of this process and started in with the video camera. Anyway, Juliet topped off her cereal with about 4 1/2 ounces of milk. She was quite the hog.

I don't know if it was all of the sleep she had gotten in the car and in the swing thereafter, but Juliet was very cranky after her feeding. She didn't like floor time, swing time, seat time, or anything else for that matter. It was way early for putting her down so we didn't want to go that route. It ended up that Hannah just carried her around with her while doing various other things around the house. I finally put her down at 7:54. It was a bit early but not too bad all things considered.
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