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Grand 'Rents Arrive
My family came up for a visit today. Juliet was less than well behaved. The heat wave continues and it seems to be taking it's toll on Jujubee. She was cranky as hell all day long. Grandmom, Granddad, and Uncle Tim took it all in stride but felt bad. There was a time where she wasn't screaming and my parents took the opportunity to do floor time with baby. They are so good with her. In a matter of a few minutes they had her inches from rolling back to front. It was amazing. We need to use their techniques and keep up with it to see if we can keep her advanced development on a roll.

We didn't give Juliet her cereal feeding until after my family left. They had shown some interest in witnessing this event but I kinda pushed back saying that it wasn't as exciting as they thought it would be. My thinking was that there was enough chaos without that going on with them there. It retrospect we should have fed her while they were still around. She calmed right down after she had her cereal, it really isn't that chaotic, and now I feel like I robbed them of a moment. Next time we will definitely do the cereal thing while they are there.

Getting back to the calmed-right-down thing, I wonder if she actually missed having her cereal fix. We must investigate this.

Anyway, Juliet has been on a liquid vitamin supplement for a couple of weeks now. She hates it. Hannah tasted it and thought it tasted like blood. Great, we're turning our baby into a vampire (as if nights weren't hard enough already). Anyway, I tried to give it to her before the cereal activity thinking that the cereal would help remove the taste from her mouth. Julie found a more efficient way: remove the liquid. She spit it right down her chin. OK, that didn't work so I put a half-dose in her cereal. I figured that she got some of it and I didn't want her to OD and go blind or have any of those other nasty effect described on the bottle. It's interesting. They go out of their way to tell you not to OD the baby, but their prescribed dose is double that of the doctor. I guess doubling sales increases profits despite those pesky lawsuits. Anyway, I digress.

Juliet was not happy with the contaminated cereal but she sucked it up, or rather sucked down, but not really, she just got through it. I think in the future she will be getting it in her milk.
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