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Gastronomic Graduation
A week or so ago Juliet was cleared for bland baby foods so we have been feeding her such. We have touched on fruits only so far, peach sauce, pear sauce, and apple sauce. She seems to dig them. Hannah mixes them with cereal; I do not, at least not in quantity. I think we're violating one of the cardinal rules though. You're supposed to feed the baby the same food exclusively for three to five days to ensure that there aren't any food-baby compatibility issues. However in her excitement to feed the baby more than just cereal Hannah picked up, like, six different things, one jar each. This means that we are changing foods every day or so. I don't think this is such a good idea especially given the number of things to which I am allergic. I may stop at the grocery store and pick up a number of duplicates and hide the variety ones from Hannah. Of course this would require some free time which I do not have. My days generally go like this: go to work, drive 1/2 an hour to pick up the baby, drive 1/2 an hour to bring her home (if necessary, Mom-mom generally comes to our place), feed the baby, entertain the baby until Hannah comes home (during high-crank time), make and/or eat dinner, put the baby to bed, fall asleep on the couch while trying to have a life, wake up and go to bed.

The baby is still experiencing teething angst. She is generally crankier than she used to be. Her two teeth have cleared the gums and are getting more prominent now. Cool fruit goo seems to help, as do doses of Baby Tylenol and Baby Orajel (although she seems to hate the Orajel; there's some screaming).

Her bed time seems to be getting earlier. I think that the pain, the fussing, and the medication wear her out. She has taken to napping around 6:30 or 7:00 PM, which on paper looks good, but that's dangerously close to bed time. I don't want her to get back in the habit of waking up in the middle of the night again. She did so again last night, but I set a fifteen minutes limit and let her go; she fell back asleep within that time frame. It just gets curiouser and curiouser.
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