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Stormy Weather
Today marks Juliet's first thunderstorm. I picked her up from Tammi's place (happily Hannah has built up years of back baby sitting favors from people). The sky was dark and nasty. As we drove the six minutes home the sky opened up and water just poured down upon us. Juliet just stared at me (she sits in the front seat of the TT). She seemed confused by this whole thing. She didn't freak or seem scared or anything. Much like when she was born she just seemed confused.

We got home and the storm intensified. Julie still wasn't alarmed. This is good in my opinion. She didn't seem to really even notice.

We are in the middle of a pseudo heat wave. It's not actually 90 degrees so it doesn't really qualify, but to me and the babe it is definitely a heat wave. I picked up the baby's first air conditioner on the way to Tammi's. This will make swaddling and therefore bobbin' possible.

Juliet has taken to chewing on things. She will take my hand an insert my finger into here mouth and bite down. Tammi and Hannah's mother agree that she seems to be teathing. It's way early for teeth but it's not unheard of. I hope this doesn't mean that Hannah willbe losing a nipple soon.
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