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Home Care
Hannah's mother, Juliet's primary source of day care, has been coming up to our house to take care of her. This seems to work out well, at least for us. I feel kinda bad for making her drive up and back but it does solve a great number of problems. Julie seems much more at ease when I get home. While she does like them, I think that too many car rides take their toll. Besides I think she is probably easier to deal with when in her own element.

Julie's sleep patterns seem to have really stabilized. She goes down between 8:00 and 9:00 and doesn't wake up until 5:30 or 6:00. According to people at work this is a freakin' miracle. Can I get a "halleluiah"? She also doesn't need nearly as much coaxing to go to sleep as she used to. She seems to recognize and even embrace bed time. I almost always put to down awake these days.

I was hoping that floor time would result in another roll-over but that apparently wasn't meant to be. We'll keep working on it.
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