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Over Roll Beethoven
Today marks another milestone in our Jujubee's development. She single-handedly rolled over from front to back. Up until now she only rolled back to front although she does that very well. Of course, when the momentous occasion occurred I was ill-prepared. I had the video camera in my hand just seconds before it occurred. I was just going to shoot some film, but I realized that we were out of tape. I thought "oh well" and put the camera down. Juliet looked up, noticed that I couldn't effectively record her, and did the trick. It's like she knew. I guess I'm a bad parent for lacking video tape. I will get some on the way home tomorrow.

With her knew-found rolling skills and her liberation from the papasan seat in her crib, Finster rolls all over the place while sleeping. It's kinda disconcerting. We are trained to live in fear of SIDS and suffocation and such an now she's all over the place at night. And, of course, she figured out which corner of the crib is inaccessible to the Baby Stalker 5000 and chooses to sleep there, and on her tummy to boot (a big no-no for you non-rents). That child will be the death of me I swear.

Tomorrow to whole clan returns to the area for the momentous Christening. It's a bit of a misnomer since there will be no Christians producecd, but for lack of a better expression that's what we call it. I prefer the expression "naming ceremony" but to placate the family a Christening it is. Hell we'll even mention God once or twice during the thing. The tree planting and the elemental ceremony are to what I'm looking forward. Anyway, there are a million things I need to do and baby Face just wouldn't let me do anything. I managed to replace the malfunctioning light fixture in the stairwell. Of course, as is typical for me, the problem was the fixture it was the bulb. Oh well. I installed a shiny new $4.00 light fixture that is actually wired correctly and, get this, it's grounded. That's an amazing thing in this house.
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