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Juju's First Fiesta
Today marked Juliet's Christening. Actually, "Christening" is probably not the proper word since Christianity had little to do with it. I guess "naming ceremony" would be more fitting.

Chuck and Rachel came down with the chitlens and stayed with us for the weekend. We spent a lot of time running around trying to get the house in order to handle a party with 40 guests. It is definitely not the largest party I have thrown, but this house is not as big as my previous place and fitting all of those people inside in the event of rain would be quite a challenge. Hannah and I resolved this problem by cleaning up the basement. This is something that was long overdue. We had been putting it off because, in the twilight of Rema's life, she soiled bascially every square inch down there. It was dirty smelly and nasty. At any rate with all of our large scale preparations done, the plumbing exploded. That's right, 30 minutes before the ceremony was to start every drain and toilet was having a major issue. The main bathroom floor featured a nice layer of sewage. Yum. Hannah's Dad came to our rescue. He performed an emergency plugectomy on the main sewer line and we were good to go. Lovely, what else can go wrong? Happily nothing. Revrend Kris (apparently our spiritual dude) performed a lovely service. We planted a lovely apple tree (the very last one that Home Depot had). We ate cheeseburgers and hot dogs. We lounged poolside with fruity drinks. We had just the right amount of everything I think. There were no incidents or embarassments. There was nothing broken or lost. Family took care of much of the business of running the party giving Juliet, Hannah and me the freedom to socialize. I believe that a good time was had by all. I would like to thank everyone that helped with party preparations, management and post party clean up. I would also like to thank Uncle Charlie for the boss party implement. That thing is the greatest and it will be a cherished part of my exterior entertainment equipment for years to come.
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