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Blanky Free
During all of the recent preparations for the baby's Christening we were kinda neglectful of the baby (how ironic). Poor baby Juliet spent so much time in front of that Baby Beethoven DVD that I think she's going to speak in musical notes. Today she was a bit cranky so Mommy called out of work so they could have some home time. I took off from work a bit early so we could all have some fam time. I need a vacation badly, but that's another story.

Starting a few days ago Juliet has been sleeping in her crib without the aid of the papasan seat. We have also stopped using those block thingies that keep a baby in place. They just seemed to piss her off. So now she rolls all over the crib (usually out of range of the Baby Stalker). This had me a bit concerned that she would wrap her blanky around her neck and choke. So now we're putting her in one of those zippy sleeping sack things. That seems to be working out pretty well. It's interesting watching her try to kick off the blanket when she doesn't have one. So it would seem that Juju has moved into an ideal sleeping situation. She goes down around 8:00 PM, sleeps in her crib without augmentation or threat of strangulation until 6:00 or 7:00 AM. Not bad eh?

Today Baby Face and I went for a swim again. Hannah and I think it's important that she become acclimated to the water early. We had put her down early because she was cranky, but that wasn't really working out. It was ridiculously hot despite the AC (humid as hell) so I wanted to go for a swim. Hannah thought it might help Juliet calm down to get wet too. So she got Julie dressed in her "swimmies" and brought her out. Julie really seems to take to it. Or, at least, she doesn't freak out. She and I were in the pool for a while. After about, I guess, 20 minutes or so she started to show signs of getting cold so Hannah took her and wrapped her in a towel. The look on Juliet's face was priceless. She had this great big smile; she's just too damned cute. The swim seems to have done the trick. She went back to bed and pretty much right to sleep. So, if you have a baby that's fussin' just get a swimming pool. That will quiet her right down.
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