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Happy 1/2 Birthday
This entry, too, is being made way after the fact...

Jujubee is officially 1/2 year old today. Like they say, time really flies so treasure every moment. It's interesting to look back and see how far she's come already.

Today was Juliet's Pediatrician appointment. She is (as I recall) 25.75 inches long and weighs in at 16lbs 14oz. She also got her last batch of four shots. She was not happy about that, but we was happy that this was the last time for that. She was cleared for stage II solid foods today. Her first meat was lamb. When she ate it she got this weird look on her face. We have been giving her honest to God meals since. Now she can have cereal, fruits, veggies, and meats. That makes for complete meals. Hannah has been sneaking her tiny tidbits of desert for some time.

Juliet's bed time seems to have backed up to 7:00. At this point there are basically three sure-fire signs that she is ready for Nappyland: the big yawn, the rubbing of the eyes, and the kicker is the sucking of the thumb. Happily she rearely sucks her thumb unless she is ready for bed. Happily also she never uses a pacifier. She never really did, once in a blue moon, but I don't even think I could find one if I needed one these days.

We did her six-month photo session. Of course I haven't posted any of the pictures yet, but some day I will get to it. Once upon a time a friend of mine procured some theater lights from a high school he was helping to tear down. I managed to get one of them cleaned up and working, but the other needs some work still. The one light definitely improved the quality of the photos. For her next session I would like to have them both working.

We have been taking Juliet into the pool on an almost daily basis. She really seems to like it. It really helps calm her down as it gets later but not yet late enough to put her down for the night.
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