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Stocks Are No Place For A Baby
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Today we celebrate seven months with Juliet. We didn't really do anything that special though. She doesn't really get things like that yet. I spent most of the day prepping the pool for closure while Hannah did some yard stuff, some homework, etc.

Finster went swimming with me today. It's the last time she will be able to for a while. The water was 76 degrees; ideal for me but not so for Juliet. She would kinda suck in her breath when I dipped her in too far. She was happy with her feet and legs dangling in though.

Juju had a slight mishap today. Went we put her down for a nap we don't usually put her in her slepping bag thing. We usually just put socks on her so her feet don't get cold. I don't know how she managed it, but she got her legs stuck in between the rails on the crib. We had taken the padding thing that surrounds the bottom of the crib because they didn't stay attached and she would wrap herself up in them. Well, without them she got her chubby little legs stuck. She looked like she was in those stocks they used to put prisoners in back in colonial days. She was wedged in there pretty well and she was not happy about it. I managed to work them free and she seemed none the worse for wear. She had red marks where the rails were riding. They stuck around for a while too but they didn't weem to bother her. I think she was just happy to be free. We're going to have to do something about that.
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