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Drop And Give Me One
Today marks another first in Juliet's life. She did her first push-up. She was sitting (sort of) there on all fours when she picked herself up. That is, she was poised on her hands and feet with no intervening knees or other body parts. I was shocked and amazed.

Baby Face's crawling gets better every day. She can really move now, and she's only going to get faster as she learns how to maximize the use of her legs.

Juju has been having some constipation problems recently. I'm sure she would be ecstatic that I announced that to the world. We're giving her juice in the hopes that that will solve her problems. If not, then it's on to the suppositories. I'm she will love that.

One other thing. Finster likes to lay on her side while she plays with things. It seems to be the most effective cross between crawling (getting from object of interest to the next) and sitting (playing with said object of interest). She doesn't have to spend much time switching positions so she can maximize her impact.

Still one more thing. Tonight marks another first. Although we're not sure why, Juliet woke with a start. At around 10:00 she freaked out for some unknown reason. We theorize it was a bad dream, but she just started screaming bloody murder. I bolted into her room scooped her up, checked her for blood, cuts, scrapes, broken bones, missing hair patches, broken teeth, etc. All were negative (say Hallelujiah) so after few minutes of comforting and shooshing and she was good to go. After about ten minutes I put her back down and within a few minutes she was blissfully asleep. Idano.
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