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A Munch Too Far
Finster has ben eating stage II foods for a while now. We're startng to think she is ready for something more substantial. She will eat a whole jar of stage II whatever and still be hungry.

I went to the grocery store today and went a bit nuts in the baby aisle. I grabbed an audio-only baby monitor (for travel which we seem to do a fair amount), and some baby biscuits. I had thought that the biscuits were teething things but I was wrong. They were intended for babies that are accustomed to chewing food. Juliet is not. She is, however, used to chewing on Hannah, me, Lance, boxes of Kleenex, piles of newspapers, and so forth. Just as an experiment we gave her one of the biscuits with a watchful eye for choking. To our surprise not only did she chow down on it, but she fed it to herself. I guess that's two firsts on one shot. Her first solid actual food* (as opposed to cardboard or paper, her favorites) and her first self-feeding. She has been trying to rip the bowl and spoon out of our hands for weeks. She cannot be trusted with them though. But it would seem that a biscuit is ideal since she can't spill it. But she can definitely find a way to make it messy. We should probably run this by the doc before we make it a regular practice, but it seems to me that if she's going for it then it should follow that she is ready for it right? Next week she'll be eating cheeseburgers.

* - Now that I think about it, Juliet's first actual solid food was a Twizzler. She loves them, but she doesn't really eat them. She just sucks on them for a bit then throws them on the floor (once she's good and sticky).
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