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Over The River And Through The Woods
This entry is being made way after the fact...

Today we ventured to Delaware to hook up with my 'rents. Tomorrow is my Dad's birthday and Juliet, Tim, Hannah, and I made the trip to Viola.

We picked up Tim in Conshohocken. The baby got a bit cranky during the trip so Hannah and Tim switched so Hannah cuold distract the baby. It seemed to work because she was pretty good for the rest of the trip.

Once there, as she usually does, Juliet kept her audience riveted. My mother was very impressed with her progress and she should know being trained and very experience in this area. Louis and Clark, well, more Louis than Clark, were impressed with her as well. Juliet has learned to pet animals. Well, OK, she has learned to grab handfuls of fur. Nevertheless it is a petting-like skill. We are working on the concept of gentleness.

As it always does, feeding time came. We tried to put Juju into the high chair that Tim & I used as children but it is about a million years old, doesn't have all of the safety gadgets that modern high chairs have, and she would have slipped right out of it the first second. Instead we parked her in her car seat and my Mom fed her. It was cute. After dinner it was time to go. It was dangerously close to Juliet's bed time and we had to get her back to her environment.

The trip home went pretty smoothly. The baby slept most of the way and didn't really get cranky until we were very close to home. I popped her out of her seat and into her sleeping bag and she was out.
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